Equine Assisted Support for Individuals, Businesses and Schools

Equine Assisted Psychotherpy

For adults, children, parents and families

Equine Assisted Programmes for Businesses and Organisations

Equine assisted personal development, leadership and team building progammes and  volunteering opportunities

Equine Assisted Services for Schools

A range of services for students, parents/carers and staff

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote emotional growth and resilience to enable individuals to:

  • Feel good about themselves
  • Manage their feelings
  • Deal with life’s challenges
  • Form positive relationships
  • Make good decisions
  • Take responsibility for themselves and their behaviour
  • Feel motivated
  • Develop autonomy and independence

Being with horses provides amazing opportunities to learn about ourselves. Whether you are wanting to address personal issues, improve work-based performance or support the well-being of those around you, horses can promote emotional growth and resilience.

By offering straight forward, honest and non judgemental  feedback, horses provide an opportunity to see ourselves more clearly. This makes it possible to identify and resolve unconcious barriers to achieving our goals, dreams or simply our well being.


Our Approach and Values

‘Emotional Growth’ means developing the ability to deal with life. ‘Resilience’ refers to how well we can deal with life’s challenges.  At the Centre for Emotional Growth and Resilience we see this as the foundation of emotional intelligence and wellbeing.

Key Areas of Expertise


Assessments in learning, social and emotional development, disabilities and mental health issues

Therapeutic Support

Therapeutic Support for parents and carers of people with social emotional behavioural or learning difficulties


Advice regarding programmes interventions and environments designed to address social emotional and behavioural issues and maximise progress


Consultancy regarding organisation’s strategic and policy development

Programmes for Businesses & Schools

Programmes for individuals, groups, leaders and teams within businesses and schools

Case Work Supervision

Case work supervision for professionals working with young people with complex social emotional behavioural and mental health issues


Developing emotional support teams with robust and safe practices and clear practice rationale


Supporting organizational development with regards to effectively supporting and managing complex learner needs


Training and professional development including promoting social emotional skills and well-being in young people; supporting students with disabilities; facilitating change; managing behaviour